For the Bologna-based group, supporting the birth rate and the family has always been important. Opportunities, support and enhancement of the family guide the corporate welfare of CPS Company and the other companies of the Group.

In a country like Italy, where few children are born, improving the balance between life and work, especially for women, is essential. Every lever to do so is useful, including that of corporate welfare, especially in a period of history characterized by considerable uncertainty.

In Cassoli Group, from 2018 to today, 15 children have been born and it is not long before the arrival of the sixteenth.

Every expectation and every birth are lived with great participation, joy and positivity within the Casalecchio company.

In the Cassoli Group each employee is considered as a family member and in this perspective investments, resources and proposals are dedicated to the harmonization of life and work times.

The company adopts several measures on this front, such as services, scheduling and organizational flexibility, promotion and support of births and motherhood, facilitation of parents’ returning to work, and many other significant initiatives.

It is a concrete and precious way to stand by the employees who have always been the real resource and the real added value of this company which, among the most important elements, puts the family at the centre.